Gallery - Record View

Record view gives you the ability to see more information about a catalog item than you can easily see in any other view. You can scroll the Record list to see additional items.


Title bar: Displays Catalog Name followed by Gallery Name. If more than one unsaved Gallery is opened in a particular catalog, the word "Untitled" followed by a number representing the order in which the Gallery was opened is displayed.


Toolbar: Gives quick and easy access to major catalog commands.


Thumbnail: Displays a thumbnail view of the selected catalog item.


Record with Information Fields: Lists information about the item. You determine what information is displayed here by selecting it in the Record tab of the View > Customize dialog.


Number of Items: Shows how many items are displayed in the current Gallery window out of how many total items in the Catalog.


Field Name: Specify show or hide Field Names from the Record tab of the View > Customize dialog.


Edit: Show Edit in Place Enabled. Allows you to change field information (add keywords, change description, add custom field information, etc.) right in the field. To enable this feature, choose View > Customize, then click the Record tab. Enable the "Edit" option near the bottom of the tab.